Nov 13

Part 10: What Jesus Knows About Us

Todd Pruitt |Series: The Gospel of John |John 2:23-25

In chapter two, John reports that, both at the wedding feast and during the season of Passover, various people believed in Jesus because of the signs that he performed. We also read of how several years after these events, following the resurrection of Jesus, his disciples believed all that the Scriptures said. But what we will come to find out from those who came and went during Jesus’ ministry is that there is belief and then there is belief.

Some believe in Jesus in only slightest way. During his ministry Jesus always had those who followed him for a season. They believed in him because he performed a miracle. But once the ambiguities and pain of life in a fallen world press in, such a thinly grounded belief often fades rather quickly. Even among Jesus’ closest disciples was one whose faith was a sham. No wonder Jesus did not “entrust himself to them.” It was not because Jesus was a cynic or unduly harsh. He did not entrust himself to them because “he knew all people.”

Jesus’ knowledge of mankind is both specific and general. He possesses comprehensive supernatural knowledge of the hearts of all mankind. But he also understands the human heart in general. He knows the extent of our sinfulness. He knows the deceitfulness of our hearts. He knows how our faith ebbs and flows and how often we give in to sinful temptations. And yet, knowing all of this, Jesus still loved us. He still went to the cross. Indeed, precisely because of the corruption of our hearts, Jesus endured the cross for us and our salvation.

What wondrous love is this 

That caused the Lord of bliss 

To bear the dreadful curse  

For my soul

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