Aug 15

Part 12: More Grace

John Kidd |Series: James: The Wisdom of Chrsitianity |James 4:1-10

The book of James is full of admonitions and imperatives, or warnings and commands. In this section James does not hold back on either account. Yet on both accounts the theme of grace is uniquely interwoven throughout. James boldly names and calls out sins of division in the churches. He admonishes them for pursuing friendship with the world which in turn sets them up as enemies of God. This is no small charge for the believer in Christ. Interestingly James is writing a letter that will be circulated to a large number of churches that he has not visited yet he admonishes directly and specifically. From this we understand these sins to be common to the church of Christ, and would do well to examine our own hearts, and our own church.

There is a clear shift in the passage where James lays out at least ten commands. But these are not a list of rules to follow. They continue as part of the recipe for the good life, a life lived in union with God. These commands are a means of grace for the believer. Never have concepts like humility and submission sounded so good for they lead us to deeper fellowship with our maker. In our sin and brokenness, God has made a way for us. It is a blessing of more grace.

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