Oct 02

Part 5: God in the Flesh (2)

Todd Pruitt |Series: The Gospel of John |John 1:14-18

In the final section of the prologue, John sums up what he has already stated concerning the eternal existence and deity of Jesus, the Word. John also definitively states the doctrine of the incarnation of God into human flesh and locates the glory of God in the Person of the incarnate Christ. Along the way John begins to apply the image of light to concrete Old Testament references.

Much like a great work of art, the more we look into and meditate upon these opening words of John’s Gospel the more we are both informed and moved by them. Not only that, the more we consider these words, the more we know and understand the One who is at the center. In the Person of Jesus, God in all of his triune glory is displayed. It is a glory which human eyes can access but it is glory nonetheless.

To stand in greater awe of God is reason enough to keep these words before us. But there is even more. The purpose of the gospel which is to believe upon Jesus is present here in the prologue. And far more than the first believing unto salvation is in view. In view also is the believing which will sustain us through the sorrows and ambiguities of life, the believing which will keep us anchored to Christ in calamity, and the believing which will keep us dependent upon Christ in the midst of great blessings.

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