Aug 13

Revelation and Response

Burress McCombe |Psalm 19

God speaks. He reveals Himself. The question is, what is your response? When you see His glory in creation and read of His goodness in His Word, what do you do?

In our passage this Sunday, Psalm 19, we are privileged to have King David’s insight into what it means to hear and see God’s revelation in the world and in His Word. Further, David lays out for us a template of how to respond to God’s revelation.

We see in this Psalm a progression from the beauty of God on display in creation to the beauty of God on display in His Word. David’s delight in God shines throughout the vivid poetry of the first ten verses. In response to the witness of creation and the witness of Scripture, David leads us in personal application. God’s revelation is a delight, but it is also a warning that we should walk in His ways and not follow our own devices. David takes heed of that warning and calls us to pray.

As we pray along with Psalm 19, we confess our “hidden sins,” those sins that we don’t realize we are doing. We also confess and ask God to restrain us from knowingly breaking His good and perfect law. We then ask God to redirect us so that the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts are pleasing to Him. Finally, we take refuge in the Lord, our rock and our redeemer. All of this is only possible through Christ Jesus who perfectly fulfilled the law, who allows for us walk in God’s ways, and who grants us relationship with the God who created everything.